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New Gravity suggests that Newton’s gravity has been misinterpreted as an attraction between masses. The mechanical means of applying this ‘Attraction’ has never been described. This idea leads to many anomalies, such as faster than light travel. Massless light being ‘lensed’ by gravity. Also the origin of the universe we see today must have begun in an area/volume exactly the same as we see today. Not a small spot. So then we had empty space, sometimes  considered to be nothing at all.  It is now realised that empty space moves. A few millionths Of all empty space moves, providing all the energy that exists. Over billions of years  colliding space created spin. This spin friction free has materialised trillion upon trillion of these tiny entities which eventually last eternally and in doing so by addition and combination produced all current mass and forces. This spin pulls empty space to it forever And this is gravity!  Since it is a river of space any object in its path follows the direction of flow, like a swimmer entering a river. The redshift of light shows the signature of gravity in that comparatively close stellar objects shows no redshift at all but, at greater and greater distances shows greater and greater redshift. The light travels against the pull on space from the origin of the light every inch of the distance .